Saturday, 1 December 2018

What to expect, and why minimalism?

Just a quick post about what kind of content to expect here in the future. This is a personal blog and i've struggled for a long time deciding what content to write about, people say you should find a niche and focus on that but that is assuming you want to build an audience and make money, neither of which i'm really interested in.

It's only recently that i came into minimalism that I started to realise this extends to so any areas of my life, my interests that seemed so separate aren't in reality, they are all connected and thus minimalism has made me realise my interests do share a common theme.

The core focus of the blog will be to document my journey into minimalism, this will branch out into other areas and interests in my life, so i will occasionally write film reviews. I'm a huge fan of Andrei Tarkovsky's films so i will be posting about his films in the future that are most definitely linked to minimalism. For a wider range of my film reviews you can find them on lettterboxd, where i first caught the writing bug.

Other things i may touch on are music, ambient music in particular, travel, food and i will occasionally post about tennis, i'm a fan of Roger Federer and Simona Halep who i think are the most exciting players to watch in men's and women's tennis respectively.

If i'm honest, what really kick started this minimalism journey is my desire to purchase my own flat, minimalism helps me save far more than i ever would have otherwise, i have less stuff to move with and going forward, better money management when i have a mortgage to pay for, allowing me to have money still for things that really add value to my life.

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Random update, minimalism, life and balance.

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