Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Favourite films of 2018

This isn't a top ten list as i'm a fussy bugger, there aren't 10 films i consider favourites of the year and i haven't seen every contender.

1. Mandy

For pure enjoyment and this was my favourite film of the year, a couple of films in this list have been boosted by where i viewed them, this was a the Electric Cinema in Birmingham, the oldest working cinema in the UK. This is one of those films you really need to see on the big screen with the volume turned up to max to make the most of the visuals and brilliant soundtrack from Jóhann Jóhannsson. 

2. Cold War

Another film enhanced by the cinema viewed in, this time by chance during a short trip to Edinburgh at the Cameo Cinema, one of the oldest cinemas in Scotland and one of Tarantino's favourite cinemas. Probably the best looking black and white film i've ever seen.

3. Leave No Trace

Beautiful looking film, very naturalistic with some of the strongest performances of the year, the first hour had me putting this nearer the top of my films of the year however i don't think it ends as strongly as it started.

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