Saturday, 30 November 2019

Random update, minimalism, life and balance.

It's been a while, i met a girl in February who is absolutely wonderful, i feel like i've been carried on a tidal wave this year and as a result have neglected this blog. This year has gone so quickly, i can't believe it is near the end of the year already.

I initially set up this blog in order to get thoughts down about things that interest me, more of a personal blog for therapeutic reasons. I think it's about time i started writing here again, i'm not fussed if anyone reads this as it's more for personal reasons. I've also decided to start a personal journal, which i've heard is good for personal development and mental health.

Something i did a while back was meditation, this is something i'm also thinking of doing in the very near future. Personal journaling and meditation are some subjects i may touch on in greater detail in future blog posts.

Sorry if this post is a bit scattershot, it's been ages and there are quite a few things i'd like to catch up with here.

Below is an update on some things that have happened this year which could evolve into future blog posts in greater detail.

  • Meeting my girlfriend - Has been the highlight obviously, she's amazing and so understanding.
  • Bluray collection - I've continued to strip away this collection, i'll update this list in the near future, i've made one or two additions but it's definitely getting smaller.
  • Balance - meeting my girlfriend has been amazing but it has highlighted some areas in my life that need adjusting in order to rebalance my life so i'm not so reliant on her for happiness - which is not healthy, for either of us, returning to this blog is part of that process.
  • Le Creuset - Came across this brand recently and absolutely love their range, we bought a couple of lovely mugs in a sale in John Lewis, sometimes expensive things can be worth it.
  • Holiday in Sipan, Croatia... the best holiday i've ever had.
  • 4 day working weeks - we are currently trialing this at work - i will definitely document my thoughts on this soon.
  • Budgeting apps - I am currently using Money Dashboard - finding this really useful and motivating, i'll definitely do a post soon on saving in general and budgeting.
  • Dune - This is more for next year but i'm sure i will update with thoughts on the upcoming Denis Villeneuve's movie based on the Frank Herbert novel, probably my favourite book and is now my most anticipated movie ever with the talent behind it.
  • Tennis - Kim Clijsters return next year - i cannot wait.
  • Books - This year i finished the Three Body Problem Trilogy by Cixin Liu which was absolutely incredible, up there with Dune. Highly recommend.
I'll leave you once again with a Tarkovsky movie image from Mirror. I can't wait to take time out this week to watch this. It's my go to movie for thoughtful moments.

Random update, minimalism, life and balance.

It's been a while, i met a girl in February who is absolutely wonderful, i feel like i've been carried on a tidal wave this year and...