Saturday, 30 November 2019

Random update, minimalism, life and balance.

It's been a while, i met a girl in February who is absolutely wonderful, i feel like i've been carried on a tidal wave this year and as a result have neglected this blog. This year has gone so quickly, i can't believe it is near the end of the year already.

I initially set up this blog in order to get thoughts down about things that interest me, more of a personal blog for therapeutic reasons. I think it's about time i started writing here again, i'm not fussed if anyone reads this as it's more for personal reasons. I've also decided to start a personal journal, which i've heard is good for personal development and mental health.

Something i did a while back was meditation, this is something i'm also thinking of doing in the very near future. Personal journaling and meditation are some subjects i may touch on in greater detail in future blog posts.

Sorry if this post is a bit scattershot, it's been ages and there are quite a few things i'd like to catch up with here.

Below is an update on some things that have happened this year which could evolve into future blog posts in greater detail.

  • Meeting my girlfriend - Has been the highlight obviously, she's amazing and so understanding.
  • Bluray collection - I've continued to strip away this collection, i'll update this list in the near future, i've made one or two additions but it's definitely getting smaller.
  • Balance - meeting my girlfriend has been amazing but it has highlighted some areas in my life that need adjusting in order to rebalance my life so i'm not so reliant on her for happiness - which is not healthy, for either of us, returning to this blog is part of that process.
  • Le Creuset - Came across this brand recently and absolutely love their range, we bought a couple of lovely mugs in a sale in John Lewis, sometimes expensive things can be worth it.
  • Holiday in Sipan, Croatia... the best holiday i've ever had.
  • 4 day working weeks - we are currently trialing this at work - i will definitely document my thoughts on this soon.
  • Budgeting apps - I am currently using Money Dashboard - finding this really useful and motivating, i'll definitely do a post soon on saving in general and budgeting.
  • Dune - This is more for next year but i'm sure i will update with thoughts on the upcoming Denis Villeneuve's movie based on the Frank Herbert novel, probably my favourite book and is now my most anticipated movie ever with the talent behind it.
  • Tennis - Kim Clijsters return next year - i cannot wait.
  • Books - This year i finished the Three Body Problem Trilogy by Cixin Liu which was absolutely incredible, up there with Dune. Highly recommend.
I'll leave you once again with a Tarkovsky movie image from Mirror. I can't wait to take time out this week to watch this. It's my go to movie for thoughtful moments.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Film collections as a minimalist.

So, my once large bluray/4K collection has been whittled down to just one shelf. I've had to be quite ruthless to get to this point, even selling some valuable steelbooks from my collection but it has been worth it to save room, reclaim some money and it's a nice feeling to only own the films and editions i absolutely love.

It's been a fairly painless process, first of all i got rid of all the films i hadn't watched for a while and weren't likely to watch again. That in itself gets rid of a sizable chunk of the collection, then it's a case of setting a high standard for the films you want to keep, for me it was quite simple, keep only the films i love... anything less can go. This is also the standard i set for films i purchase in the future, i've had some missteps recently (Commando hasn't held up well) but i'm learning from them. I am also starting to rent films digitally which will help keep the collection down to my absolute favourites.

I ended up with the following films left in my collection.

Black Sunday
Mario Bava's masterpiece of horror cinema starting Barbara Steel, neither bettered this work.

Hard to be a God
It took 14 years to bring this to the screen, nothing else like it.

My favourite film of 2018.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
This improves with each viewing, the best Star Wars film since the original trilogy, by far.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The Terminator
A childhood classic, holds up incredibly well and i rate this above T2.

One of Tarkovsky's masterpieces. Includes some of the most incredible sequences put to film.


Another of Tarkovsky's masterpieces.

Yet another of Tarkovsky's masterpieces.

Dragon Inn
The second best wuxai film.

A Touch of Zen
The best wuxai film.

A Touch of Zen

The best film ever made with the best female performance of all time by Isabelle Adjani.
Beautiful Mondo Vision box, one of my most treasured possessions.


Nosferatu the Vampyre
Herzog, Isabelle Adjani and Klaus Kinski, need i say more?

The Thing
Incredible sci-fi horror film with an outstanding brooding Morricone soundtrack.

Blade Runner
Ridley Scott's masterpiece, hasn't dated one bit and looks absolutely stunning on 4K HDR. Some of the interiors are almost 3D with the incredible lighting in this film.

Blade Runner 2049
One of the best films in recent years, stunning cinematography from Roger Deakins.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Favourite films of 2018

This isn't a top ten list as i'm a fussy bugger, there aren't 10 films i consider favourites of the year and i haven't seen every contender.

1. Mandy

For pure enjoyment and this was my favourite film of the year, a couple of films in this list have been boosted by where i viewed them, this was a the Electric Cinema in Birmingham, the oldest working cinema in the UK. This is one of those films you really need to see on the big screen with the volume turned up to max to make the most of the visuals and brilliant soundtrack from Jóhann Jóhannsson. 

2. Cold War

Another film enhanced by the cinema viewed in, this time by chance during a short trip to Edinburgh at the Cameo Cinema, one of the oldest cinemas in Scotland and one of Tarantino's favourite cinemas. Probably the best looking black and white film i've ever seen.

3. Leave No Trace

Beautiful looking film, very naturalistic with some of the strongest performances of the year, the first hour had me putting this nearer the top of my films of the year however i don't think it ends as strongly as it started.

Random update, minimalism, life and balance.

It's been a while, i met a girl in February who is absolutely wonderful, i feel like i've been carried on a tidal wave this year and...